SAMMY HAGAR Calls Fan And Wife Celebrating Their 25th Anniversary (Video)

Former VAN HALEN singer Sammy Hagar made one of his fans’ day by calling him and the fan’s wife on the phone and setting them up with an anniversary dinner at Sammy’s restaurant in Mill Valley, California.

Said Sammy: “[This is] a sweet story about a big fan, Tom Williamson, and his wife, Angie, who came to San Francisco for their 25th anniversary and wanted to buy me a drink. I normally don’t call people back (no time to answer everyone!) but there was something about the letter and the anniversary being the same as [that of] me and [my wife] Kari that got my attention. I couldn’t meet them, but decided to set them up for an anniversary dinner at my restaurant, El Paseo.”

He added: “You’ve got to watch [the four-and-a-half-minute clip below] to find out the unexpected surprise coincidence at the end of the call!”

Sammy’s new AXS TV series, “Rock & Roll Road Trip With Sammy Hagar”, will premiere on Sunday, January 24 at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT. The six-episode series features all-star guest appearances and unforgettable performances, as the Red Rocker drives across the country to jam with some of music’s biggest names.

Source: Blabbermouth

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