LAMB OF GOD’s RANDY BLYTHE On DONALD TRUMP: ‘If He Is The President, I Am Leaving America ‘Till He’s Gone’

LAMB OF GOD singer Randy Blythe has once again made it clear that he is not impressed with Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, saying that he will “leave America” if the the real estate magnate and former reality TV star becomes President Barack Obama’s successor.

Asked by Metal Insider for his thoughts on Trump, Blythe said: “I think he’s going to burn himself out. I think he’s going to say something so overarchingly stupid that people are finally going to be unable to accept what he’s saying anymore. But I almost think he’s a purposeful clown, a tool.”

He continued: “I don’t know if he really wants to be President. He might just be a foil for the Republican party to say, ‘We’ve gotta be tough right now in our international relations policy, but not with this guy,’ so they’ll get someone who looks more moderate into office. They’ll say, ‘We still need to be strong, hawkish right now, but no, not Donald Trump.’ I mean, it’s ludicrous the things that he says. He’s making shit up.”

Blythe added: “I’m trying to read between the lines here and see if that’s what’s going on. If they’re in a back room somewhere and Donald Trump is saying, [adopts Trump voice]: ‘I’m gonna say that we should pull a Nazi Germany maneuver and make all Muslims wear a yellow crescent moon on their arm,’ like the Gestapo did with the Jews in Nazi Germany.

“He could just be a clown. If he is the president, though, I am leaving America ’till he’s gone.”

As of December 7, Donald Trump had 33% support among likely GOP caucusgoers, followed by Ted Cruz at 20% with Ben Carson at 16%, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 11% and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 4%, a new CNN/ORC Poll found.

Earlier this week, Trump drew condemnation from world leaders over his call to bar all Muslims from entering the United States.

Back in August, Blythe told the “Metal Shop” radio show about Trump: “Donald Trump does not know what the common man does. He has no clue what the average working person goes through in order to pay their bills. He does not give a fuck about you; he gives a fuck about protecting big business and the lobbies. You know what I mean? So fuck that guy, and fuck his hair. He has no need to be the president of the United States. Just ‘cause you’re rich doesn’t mean you should be president of the United States.”

Blythe went on to say: “Let’s take away the campaign funding, right? Let’s take it all out. The Internet is free, okay? Why don’t you speak about real issues. Take away the money. You know what I mean? They don’t need a bazillion dollars to run a presidential campaign; I’m sorry, it’s just not true. Go to YouTube, you know?

“Not just the presidency, but our Congress has been a disgrace. Bipartisan politics, fighting over party lines. Why don’t they care about the American people instead of whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican. You know what I mean? Let’s deal with some issues.”
Source: Blabbermouth

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