ANTHRAX’s FRANK BELLO On Paris Terror Attacks: ‘I Won’t Have Anybody Intimidate Me’

ANTHRAX bassist Frank Bello has once again commented on the events of November 13, 2015 in Paris, France, when more than 129 people were killed in seven coordinated terrorist attacks.

The greatest number of deaths took place at the Bataclan, a French music venue where EAGLES OF DEATH METAL were performing when terrorists began a siege that ended with 89 people in the club either shot to death or killed in explosions.

A number of artists halted their European treks in the wake of the Paris attacks, including LAMB OF GOD, FOO FIGHTERS, DEFTONES and others.

During an interview with The Cut, Bello was asked why it was important for ANTHRAX to continue its European tour in the wake of the Paris attacks. He responded: “It’s important to me for the same reason as I live in New York and I get on the subways. Because, you know, people know this about New York. I live in New York; I live about a half an hour out of New York City, but I’m in the city two or three times a week. And I take the subways on purpose, because, you know, you can’t live in fear.”

He continued: “I know Scott [Ian, ANTHRAX guitarist] has said this before, and, believe me, I’ve said it before: I won’t give in. I mean, there’s no reason why people have to live another person’s life, another way of life, because a person believes in a religion or whatever it may be. It’s about peace and harmony; religion’s supposed to be about that. I won’t have anybody intimidate me. I live in a free country and in a free world.

“When I think of it, I start getting emotional about it, because I remember coming across the George Washington Bridge. We were on tour the day after 9-11, and we were coming back home, ‘cause there was nowhere else to get in. And to see my city up in smoke and the big gray clouds, and I still have this feeling that I had that day, ‘cause I’m envisioning it now…”

Bello added: “No. I’m not letting that go. This is my life and you’re not gonna tell me how to live it, and I’m not gonna live in fear. Number one, I’m a New Yorker, and I’m just about to say, ‘Go fuck you!’ no matter what, ‘Fuck youself.’ And it should be that attitude, and fight the good fight. So when I hear these people trying to intimidate people, it’s bullying, it’s bullying into submission, and I won’t be submitted — no fucking way!

“I get really crazy with this stuff, because even every night when we do the song ‘Evil Twin’, [the lyric] ‘You’re no martyrs,’ there’s an extra little kick in that when I say that. You just can’t live like that. You have to live for today. And eventually, things will work out. And you have hope. That’s all we have is hope, right?”

ANTHRAX’s long-awaited new album, “For All Kings”, which will be released on February 26, 2016 via Nuclear Blast in Europe and Megaforce in the U.S.

“Evil Twin” is now available digitally, and can be purchased via Apple Music, iTunes and Amazon.

Lyrically, “Evil Twin” unapologetically denounces the self-righteous religious extremists who spread their bloody terror under the guise of a Holy War.

You represent your discontent
Slaughtering the innocent
You’re no martyrs

“I was very affected by the Charlie Hebdo massacre as I have been with all of the shootings that have taken place at schools and movie theatres,” said ANTHRAX’s lyricist Scott Ian. “I can’t figure out what would cause someone to think that was the right thing to do. ‘I’ll show the world, I’ll make my God happy.’ It’s just such bullshit. I’m not bagging on religion, that’s not my intent, but people who go to that extreme, who feel they have become judge, jury and executioner over their fellow man because you or I don’t believe the same thing they do, I think that’s the ‘Evil Twin’ of humanity. Writing words about that is my only catharsis.”

Source: Blabbermouth

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