QUEENSRŸCHE’s TODD LA TORRE: ‘There’s No Fat Or Filler’ On ‘Condition Hüman’ Album

Metalholic and Metal Nation Radio recently conducted an interview with QUEENSRŸCHE singer Todd La Torre. You can now watch the chat below. A couple of excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On QUEENSRŸCHE’s new album, “Condition Hüman”:

Todd: “We recorded a total of fifteen named tracks. And there’s no fat or filler on it. A lot of the songs… It is heavier in many ways. There’s a complexity to the songs. There’s a lot more layers happening. Vocally, because of the nature of the songs and how they ended up, kind of, evolving, allowed me to do vocal things that I wanted to do on this record that maybe people haven’t heard me do. We’re very proud of it. It’s definitely pure QUEENSRŸCHE. I can say that I really feel, vocally, from what I was able to do on the record, it is definitely one hundred percent Todd La Torre. I was able to, like I say, do things that were a little more gritty and aggressive to some very, kind of, ‘breathy’ falsetto-type singing on the intro of one of the songs. Some of the songs break down to where I’m able to do a lot more of that slower, haunting, emotional style of delivery that I like to do. And the lyrical content is very deep. It’s a record that, I think, people are going to get more of with each listen. That’s how it was for me with ‘Operation: Mindcrime’, for example; when I first got that record, I really learned to appreciate it more with each listen. There were things that I didn’t recall hearing before, and it really grew on me. So I feel that way about this record. And we’re really excited for the world to hear all of the songs.”

On whether there is a lyrical theme running through “Condition Hüman”:

Todd: “It wasn’t written as a concept album, but when we were discussing titling the record, each song points back to human dynamics — whether it’s relationship things or there are social issues… You know, talking about dealing with our own mortality: what is our purpose? And at the end of the day, we don’t place a judgment on any particular stance or issue, per se, but we ask the question… It reverts back to the listener: how do you perceive the world around you? And our decisions are primarily based on our perceptions. How are we going to handle a certain situation? It depends on, maybe, your personal experience in relation to a certain topic that is going to be the foundation of how you view certain things. So it’s a very multi-faceted subject. That’s why, instead of the human condition, it’s more of a diagnosis, like, we’re all human. You know, condition human. Everyone’s human. It’s a lot deeper than the first glance would, maybe, show you.”

On his vocal performance on “Condition Hüman”:

Todd: “We had a lot more time to [work on] the songs. And then, of course, a lot of credit goes to our producer, Chris ‘Zeuss’ Harris. He was great, because he’s a musician. So it was really great to have a producer that’s also a musician, that can grab the guitar and say, ‘Hey, what about this chord progression?’ And he played some keyboards on some demo stuff for us. He went back into the catalog and said, ‘You know, what about a cool harmony here? This is what… When I think of QUEENSRŸCHE…,’ these are elements that he wanted to bring back. So it was great to have someone who was a fan of the band who appreciated the style that is QUEENSRŸCHE and the production quality, sonically speaking, sound amazing. And so, I really feel, and we’ve talked with other interviewers that were privy to the download link from our label, that have heard the twelve songs, anyway, and said — unanimously — ’this sounds like QUEENSRŸCHE, but today.’ And so that’s really, you know, what we were hoping would translate — is that these are elements that are pure QUEENSRŸCHE, but with a modern approach. We don’t wanna sound like 1986. QUEENSRŸCHE has a very unique style and sound, and I think that Zeuss did an amazing job respecting those while also allowing me to be me. You know, there’s kind of that double-edged sword for me, because, it’s, like, if I sound too much like the former singer, then [people will say that] I’m a copycat. If I sound too different, then [people will say], ‘Well, this doesn’t sound like QUEENSRŸCHE.’ To me, this is a great infusion. It is how I sing, [and] it is my style. And I wear influences on my sleeve, and those have, kind of, morphed into the stylistic qualities that I naturally write to now. So, again, to me, it sounds very current and, sonically, the album just crushes — it sounds huge and full and thick and dynamic and it’s not ear-fatiguing. So we’re very happy.”

“Condition Hüman” will be released on October 2 via Century Media. The CD was recorded in part at at Uberbeatz Studio in Washington.


Source: Blabbermouth

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